3 month+ checkup

Several weeks ago I went to get my 3 months check and was given the perfect stamp again. I am completely off drops now and have been for weeks with zero problems. I sleep with a ceiling and a floor fan in my bedroom and don't have any issues with dryness. My last chart result was 20/15 with both eyes, 20/20 in each individually. So far this experience has been great and I have absolutely no regrets. The Boothe office experience turns a lot of people off but he did a good job when all was said and done.

It's hard to fully appreciate what being glasses-less means so here are a few things that get taken for granted that have changed for me since I had the procedure.
  • ability to see shower floor clearly
  • ability to see myself in the mirror from the shower
  • my field of vision has increased immensely (I didn't wear contacts)
  • I get to wear cool Oakley shades now ;)
  • When doing incline dumbbell bench presses I can watch my form now (glasses limited vision field prevented this before)
  • I look younger (good thing) but less "scholarly" (bad thing? - meh)
  • I can actually see my surroundings in the pool!
  • I don't have sweat dripping into my glasses when working outside or on the car
  • And of course the obligatory, "I can see the alarm clock from across the room now"

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